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Jim Daly, former Minister for Mental Health and Older People, appointed to the Board of Home and Community Care Ireland (HCCI)

Wednesday 26th August:  Jim Daly, former Minister for Mental Health and Older People, has been appointed to the Board of HCCI.  HCCI is the national representative body for 80 companies that employ 10,000 carers, providing home care to 20,000…
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More than one fifth of all adults plan to cocoon for the foreseeable future, according to HCCI research

65+ year olds willing to contribute 25% towards the cost of a home care package – an increase of 4% from last year’s survey findings Family (76%) and health (59%) identified as the two most important things in life 15% of all…
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HCCI calls for proactive testing for elderly and vulnerable to keep low rate of infection in home care

Wednesday 13th May: Home and Community Care Ireland (HCCI) is calling on the Government to implement a proactive testing regime for home care clients to ensure that home remains the safest place during the COVID-19 pandemic.  As of Sunday 10th…
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Crucial that Government focuses on Home Care - the last and sustained frontier in the battle against COVID-19

58 of Home and Community Care Ireland’s (HCCI) 20,000 home care clients have tested positive for COVID-19 but the virus will be in our communities for months or years to come.   This makes home care both the last and the sustained frontier…
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Homecare sector responds to the need of Ireland’s most vulnerable during the COVID-19 crisis

HCCI home carers to be temporarily redeployed to support the most vulnerable in the community and front-line health care colleagues in nursing homes Thursday 2 April 2020: Home and Community Care Ireland (HCCI), the national body for home…
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Home care sector seeks financial stability from the Government to maintain frontline capacity amid Covid-19 threat

Self-isolations: up 163% among home care clients and 216% among carers since 18th March Thursday 26 March 2020:  Home and Community Care Ireland (HCCI) is seeking financial stability from the HSE and Department of Health as the organisation…
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Home care providers seek emergency measures to continue operating in face of COVID-19 and alleviate pressure on hospitals

Home care providers seek emergency measures to continue operating in face of COVID-19 and alleviate pressure on hospitals Wednesday, 18th March 2020: Home and Community Care Ireland (HCCI) – the national membership organisation for companies…
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HCCI COVID-19 National Action Plan

Wednesday 18 March: Home and Community Care Ireland (HCCI) – the national membership organisation for companies that provide home care services – has today  published its COVID-19 home care action plan.  The plan sets out six urgent recommendations…
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HCCI asks all parties to sign the Home Care Promise and clear waiting list for home care

Wednesday 29 January 2020: Home and Community Care Ireland (HCCI) today made its election priorities public with the publication of the Home Care Promise.  HCCI is asking each Dáil candidate running in Election 2020 to commit, if elected,…
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Changes to Employment Permits ignores care needs of older people in the community

18th December 2019: Nursing Homes Ireland (NHI) and Home and Community Care Ireland (HCCI) today accused the Government of turning their back on the care needs of older people in the community. Both organisations have, on a long-standing basis,…