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The Statutory Home Support Scheme Progress Report 2024

HCCI report examines 3-year delay to Statutory Home Support Scheme   Unpublished independent report casts doubt on suitability of interRAI assessment for home care needs and HSE’s commitment to the Statutory Scheme   Dublin,…

Home & Community Care Ireland Winter Plan 2023

  As we enter the perennial winter hospital overcrowding crisis, exacerbated this year by health funding challenges, home care continues to be marginalised as a tool in combatting Delayed Transfers of Care (DTOC). There has also…

HCCI Home Care Data Series Volume 2: Home Support Delivery

This issue of the HCCI Home Care Data Series examines home support delivery.  Using HSE data from a PQ asked by Colm Burke TD, we outline the growth in home support hours at a national and local level since 2018, including a breakdown of…

HCCI Home Care Data Series - The Waiting List Issue

Introducing the HCCI Home Care Data Series As the representative body for home care providers, Home & Community Care Ireland (HCCI) is launching a new series of quarterly reports to make data from the home care sector more accessible…

Home Care Waiting List Could be Wiped Out at the Stroke of Pen says HCCI

Press release Home care waiting list could be wiped out at the stroke of pen says HCCI Dublin, 12 January 2023: The 6,000 long waiting list for home care support, which is a contributor to the hospital and delayed discharge crisis, could…

The Waiting List Lottery: Home Support Across Ireland

Where you live matters when you want home care. Waiting lists for home support have been a long running problem but it is not the same across the country. The Waiting List Lottery: Home Support Across Ireland analyses data on waiting…

The Future of Home Care: A Report by the Home Care Providers Alliance

The Home Care Provider Alliance, a group formed by Home & Community Care Ireland, the National Community Care Network and Family Carers Ireland have produced a report that outlines the dysfunction in Irelands home care sector with a…

HCCI appearing before Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health on February 9th

Press release HCCI: Home care is facing the most acute recruitment crisis in the sector’s history HCCI appearing before Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health on February 9th Dublin, 9th February 2022: According to Home and Community…